Free your head for the creative flow – In Today’s Interview: Roberta Bergmann
Free your Head for the Creative Flow (German original title: Kopf frei für den kreativen Flow) is already the 2nd book written by Brunswick’s creative Artist, Roberta Bergmann, and was published in 2018 by Haupt Verlag.
Roberta Bergmann is a very talented and successful artist, illustrator and book designer. She is also a lecturer in DIY and Design Basics and was a Visiting Professor in the Design Department at the Braunschweig College Of Fine Arts.
In her nonfiction book, Free your Head for the Creative Flow, she describes 40 creative recipes that allow you to expand your own creativity. It also provides advice on how to deal with creative blockades. There are 15 first aid tips to help you overcome your own creative hurdles.
Currently this book is only available in German, but Roberta Bergmann does have an international Facebook Group named for her book: Der kreativen Flow. You are more than welcome to join.
In this interview, she talks about herself, her own inspiration and reveals a secret about her favorite creative recipes.
Roberta Bergmann answers…
Who or what inspired you to write a book about creative impulses?
I am a creative myself and have been working professionally with creativity for about 15 years.
As a freelancer, creativity must always flow and creative blockages are more likely to hinder this job.
Nevertheless, sometimes it happens that you get stuck in your creative process or use the same solutions for creative tasks again and again, which is boring in the long run (maybe the client doesn’t notice that at all, but you yourself may get bored with repeating the same design solutions over and over). In my book there are 40 Creative Recipes to steer your creativity onto new paths, to push it and finally to expand your own creativity. But to answer your question: I inspired myself (through my day-to-day Work) to write this Book 🙂
Is there a Recipe you consider good but that didn’t make it into the book for editorial reasons (i.e. lack of space)?
Off the top of my head, I would say “No.” But I don’t think there are not any more Recipes! I just stopped brainstorming at some point when I had 40 Recipes together.
Maybe I’ll write a sequel with 40 new Recipes!? (Note from me: I hope so very much:))
What is currently your biggest creative hurdle?
To face new challenges, to take the next step, to leave my comfort zone. That’s always been difficult for me and I’m always going to have a hard time doing that. But I know that once I dared to cross that line, I am proud of myself and have also taken a good step forward.
Every Person is different. Your Creative Recipes are versatile. Which of your recipes is your personal favorite and why?
That’s a tough question, because I really like most of the Creative Recipes in the book very much.
And for every situation or blockade, other Creative Recipes suddenly become favorite recipes. So it all depends! The Recipes are sometimes contrary to one another. Sometimes I call for chaos, then in another situation for order, sometimes it’s about being spontaneous, and other it’s about planning. To name one recipe now: I like “What a Coincidence” (note: In German the chapter is called “Zufälle gibt es”),” because it’s about playing with chance from which very nice results can sometimes appear. For example, I would like to cite David Bowie, who wrote his lyrics randomly. You can find out exactly how he did it in my book.
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Photo Kopf frei für den kreativen Flow ©Roberta Bergmann !
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