Cats and Kids are in Wimmel mit! And I am illustrating a new Wimmelbook!

This chivalrous, brave boy and his darling cat are joining the Wimmel-fun!

A. is the son of a friend of my sister, all three live in the USA. According to his mother, he likes dinos, traits and the color purple. The lovely cat S. loves a long nap in the sun. She sounds like she’s a true princess.

Cats can also be part of Wimmel mit!

Even if cats are known to lie in the sun and sleep long, they are often found in Wimmelpictures.

Because of my new Wimmelbook, Mannheim wimmelt, I have been on the road this summer often and unfortunately have had little time for this blog. But I will still be illustrating my Wimmel mit! poster. In the next blog you’ll see snippets of Wimmel mit! and in my YouTube channel I will post some drawing outtakes as I develop this illustration.

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