Timo has a charming, irresistible smile, doesn’t he? He is sporty as well as an avid climber. In Wimmelt mit!! The Online Wimmelpicture Project, he will be appearing as a knight in shining armor in the children’s knights’ tournament.
I know Monika personally, she is a wonderful woman whose face turns quickly into one big smile and who is very socially motivated. She created the Not-for-Profit Organisation Cookita – Creatives for Integration e.v., cooks and bakes with children who have a migrant background and is also the co-author of “Im Kochtopf um die Welt” (In a Cooking Pot around the World), whose patron supporter is the star chef Nelson Müller.
Rico also has a very interesting background – he grew up in Japan and knows this Asian culture well. I think I’ll give him a special role in the Wimmel mit! The Online Wimmelpicture Project. But what and how I shall not tell you yet. You have to look for him!
Wimmel mit! Das Online Wimmelbild Projekt geht weiter
Perhaps you are wondering what such quick, sketchy portraits have to do with wimmelpictures? These portraits are greatly reduced representations of the people who are appearing in my Wimmel mit!! wimmelpicture. Although not absolutely necessary, creating a portrait is just one step in developing a figure. If you want to see the original photos of the family, I added them below.
Ultimately, the most important traits of the portrayed participants should be recognizable, because on an area of 1-2 cm2, which is about the area you have for drawing a face in the original wimmelpicture, there isn’t much space left for extras. The essentials count and tell the story of this wonderful family. Thanks Monika, Rico and Timo for being part of Wimmel mit! The Online Wimmelpicture Project!
And if you want to have your own portrait or if you’re looking for an exclusive present, just get in touch with me! (I even draw at parties)
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